What a Summer!
A lot has gone on since our last website post and I am going to try to cover all the news, and olds!
Summer Reading Program:
We had a SUPER summer this year at the Stinson Summer Reading Program! Our Super Readers ended the program with a bang on July 28th with food, fun, and prizes for our Program Finale at the library. Thanks to all the parents and sponsors who helped make it an amazing summer of fun and books, and a special thanks to the kids who chose to spend their summer with us!
2016 Summer Reading Sponsors included: Friends of Stinson Library, Anna Kiwanis, Anna State Bank, Committee to Elect Tyler Edmonds, White & Borgognoni, Rendleman & Hileman Funeral Home, AJ Rotary Club, American Legion Auxiliary, Beussink & Hickam P.C., Schaefer Enterprises, AJ Women’s Club, Anna Jonesboro National Bank, Scott Harvel for Sheriff, Townsend F Dodd Post 344 American Legion, and King’s Wok
Storytime will be starting again on Wednesday, September 21st at 3:30 PM. Families can come out to the library for an hour of stories, songs, and activities ending with a craft and a snack. The themed programs will be geared toward children ages 3 to 6, but anyone who enjoys the program is welcome!
Network Issues and Technology Help:
We are currently working to update our wireless network and patron computers. Because of this, we have been experiencing periods of time in which our open wifi or patron computers have been unavailable. We appreciate your patience as we work to improve the library experience for everyone. Thomas will still be available to help anyone with technology questions by appointment. If you would like to make an appointment, call in to the library and set up a time for one on one technology help and advice.
Colorfest Book Sale:
Our next Book Sale is scheduled for October 7th through 9th. Members of the Friends of the Library group can shop on Friday October 7th 4-6 PM. If you would like to become a member, you can join at the door. Membership dues are $10 for 2 years or $100 for a lifetime membership. The sale will be open to the public on Saturday October 8th 8 AM-2 PM and Sunday October 9th from 1-3 PM. We will also have “Friends” shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags and note cards for sale. All proceeds benefit our library.
Book club:
Our new Stinson Book Club is up and running! We have discussed five books so far, and are eagerly anticipating our next meeting. The Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 PM. New members need only pick up next month’s book selection at the circulation desk, fill out a short registration form, and come join the discussion!
Union County Hiking Club Reunion:
Members of the Union County Hiking Club (active 1998-2003) are invited to come to Stinson Library on Sunday, September 11th at 2 PM to reminisce and share stories about their hikes, both while the club was active and more recent experiences.
View the full flyer here!