We’ve been recognized by VacationsMadeEasy.com for being an awesome library!
VacationsMadeEasy.com is a website that collects information about interesting places from across the country and organizes them to help people- you guessed it- make vacations easier. It is now in the top 41,000 most trafficked websites in the US!
In addition to vacation guides, they also blog themed lists. A recent list of theirs was 20 Libraries That Will Make You Forget About Netflix featuring amazing libraries like the New York Public Library, The Seattle Public Library, and our very own Stinson Public Library!!!
Vacations Made Easy described some of the criteria on which they based their choices:
• Community Involvement/activities offered
• Historical relevance
• Size and importance of collection
• The architecture of the building
• Comments and reviews from visitors (that’s you!)
Vacations Made Easy calls the libraries in general a “…bookworm’s Narnia” and describes our library specifically as “…magnificently designed…”.
A big thank you goes out to Vacations Made Easy, but we extend a bigger thank you to all the awesome people from our community who support us. We could not do any of what we do without you.