Tech Tuesdays
I will be assisting with tech questions and troubleshooting all day Tuesdays! Drop by the library anytime from 10AM to 7PM for one-on-one help.
While continuing to evolve the way I offer answers to questions about technology, I have come to the conclusion that a more flexible time schedule for tech support would better suit our patrons.
The benefits of this will include:
•Patrons can drop in or leave at any time that the library is open
•Because fewer people will arrive at once, I, and other staff members, will be able to give more one-on-one support.
•The extra time will allow me to better help patrons with extensive or complex problems and questions.
All questions are welcome, from the simple to the complex.
Questions I’ve successfully answered in the past include:
•Why does my computer run slowly? How can I speed it up?
•Why won’t my computer start? How can I fix it?
•What is hardware? What is software?
•How do I install new hardware or software?
•What should I look for when shopping for a new computer, phone, or tablet?
•What does all this computer jargon mean?
•How do I read, or listen to books and magazines through legal and free databases?
•How do I access the library’s catalog, order items, and check my account information from home?
•How do I move files from my phone, tablet, or computer to another device that I own?
•What can I do to protect my computer/mobile from viruses? How do I remove a virus?
•How do I use a specific program (Word, OpenOffice, MS Paint, Windows Explorer, cmd.EXE and PowerShell, Audacity, and many others)
•How do I Update my computer to Windows 10 or confirm that my current operating system is up to date?
•How do I make those cool looking bullet points with just a keyboard?
And many more!
I hope to see you there!